707-623-9341- support@myiphonerepair.com

IPhone 12 / 12 Pro Charging Port


iPhone 12 Pro Charging port Replacement

We have three locations in the North Bay serving you since 2008 :

Santa Rosa (west) – 1791 Marlow Road, Santa Rosa CA 95401

Santa Rosa (east) – 2700 Yulupa Avenue, Santa Rosa CA 95404

Rohnert Park      – 180 Raleys Town Center, Rohnert Park CA 94928


iPhone 12 / 12 Pro Charging Port Replacement

If your iPhone 12 Pro stopped charging its time to replace either the charging port or the battery.

Your iPhone 12 Pro charging port is a component that is susceptible to wear and tear – if your lightning cord doesn’t quite fit in the port the way it is supposed to then you may need to have your charging port replaced.

Contrary to some might think – the iPhone 12 Pro does have a replaceable charging port.


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